Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tabletop RPG in class

Well, on Monday I'm starting my class in Role Playing Games and Fantasy. I'm starting them of with ready made characters and a ready made adventure in Dungeons and Dragons. I do not suggest this is necessarily the best game, but, in a number of ways it is the game. I also plan reading two novels and trying out more systems - probably Call of Cthulu.... Furthermore I intend to try my hand at running a 'free-form' game in the Nordic style. Hopefully we'll also be able to get out of the school and participate in some events run by the RPG community in Reykjavík!

Finally I plan  a final creative project wherein they will be allowed to
-create a short movie
-write a story
-create their own game ....

I hope the last option will be the most popular.

Play has been an underestimated part of human existence in my opinion, at least definitely in schools - I intend to make it a much larger part of my practice.

More on that later.....


  1. Call of Cuthulu is not a simple system and i do not recommend it to people that are new to RPG´s unless they have a person in the group that knows the system very well.

    World of Darkness is a much simpler horror system that is much easier to learn.

    1. ... well thank you Helgi, I believe I may just follow your advice in this area....
