Having already become one of my all time favorite authors, Perdido Street Station brought Miéville closer to the top of that list. A truly magnificent and mind boggling fantasy, mixing problems of not inter-racial love, but love between species, with deeply insightful musings on the nature of science, religion, artificial intelligence, language and cities.... all spiced up with some of the most exquisite monsters and villains ever to show up in a novel. Miéville here clearly abides by the excellent principle that more is more and weaves a complex and mind blowing web that captures cognitively, emotionally and morally: the dilemma faced by Isaac den Grimnebulin when he knows what his friend the Garuda is really guilty of - knowing his noble participation in their common fight against the Slakemoths..... to think that this was his second novel is truly astonishing....
I also think that the seeds for the creation of the ambassadors in Embassytown are to be found in this book, more on that later possibly....
I also think that the seeds for the creation of the ambassadors in Embassytown are to be found in this book, more on that later possibly....
An interesting review to be found here.